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Work tools built better!

Business tools today are too complicated. Too many features. Endless distractions. Constant updates that break things. Information scattered everywhere. Confusing interfaces.

Tools should simplify, not complicate. They should help you work smarter, not bury you in options you never asked for.

Imagine a tool that works with you, not against you. A tool that keeps everything in one place. No distractions. No time wasted switching apps.

That’s what Dun is all about.

One tool, One job, Dun right.

We're building a suite of focused, open––source tools where each tool does only one job but exceptionally well.

Open app --> finish the task --> get back to your life!, that's it!

Designed with simplicity and a better UX in mind. No context switching, distractions or complex workflows that ruin your productivity.

Driven by You, Open to All.

Dun isn’t just for you—it’s by you. As open-source tools, Dun products are built with community feedback at the forefront.

You can tweak, improve, and contribute, making the tools truly yours.

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Say goodbye to the clutter
And get things Dun.

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